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About Us

Here at DKSS UK Security we have a core team consisting of both Barry and Ant who founded our Security services company and together have a collective 20 years of experience in the field. But we also have a wider team of trusted compliant Security Guards that support us with our Security contracts all over the UK.

Head shot of Company Director of DKSS Security Ltd
Head Shot of Ant, Company Director and Security Advisor

Barry & Ant - Company Directors & Security Advisors

Experience providing Security for: Film sets, vulnerable multi-million pound sites and coordinating large scale operations. Along with Security consulting advice to companies that have sites in vulnerable areas.

Barry & Ant both work across the UK and are frequently providing Security across Scotland, Yorkshire, Wales, Cornwall and London, not to mention providing their Security services in Suffolk where they are based.

Maxine - Company Secretary

Maxine holds the operation together by keeping the company organised and ensuring they combine their passion for the K9 community with their business; by supporting great causes through: fundraising events, donations and buying from local small businesses.

Head shot of Maxine who is the Company Secretary for K9 Security services UK

Contact us about your Security needs today:

Local Suffolk small businesses we proudly use and recommend:

Logo design of MF Creative, a Graphic Design Company from Suffolk
Our Logo Design:
Our Uniform:

T: 01502 511 132

Screenshot 2023-02-25 at 19.17.28.png
Our pet supplies:

Delmar Pet & Garden

T: 01502 511009

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